The jute shopping bag prevails in the shopping world. It is one of the most successful permanent carrier bags. The body is stable. This makes it easy to pack in and keep things sorted.
Because of jute material, the bag of your choice is extremely robust and resistant.
Inside this bag usually is a coating, which protects the goods from moisture. At the same time this bag is protected from leaking inside, in case something happens with the goods.
Jute bags are designed for a long term use.
Jute has a good eco balance and is a good alternative to cotton. Jute is more dimensionally stable than cotton and forms a real bag more effectively. From the first second it looks like a bag and not like a sack and will be taken seriously. It has an immediate revaluation.
Jute bag has plenty of space for your advertising, because of the clear and large surfaces in front and back.
Your logo on a jute bag will show clearly that your customers and environment are very important to you.
Description of the bag you are interested in (base material, quantity, width, height, depth, colors, handle, etc.)
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