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Cross-promotion and Bag Advertising at Opti 08

"For us, Opti 08 went excellently," said the trade fair organizer GHM, Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH, Munich. We can only agree with this opinion.

Our concept of cross-promotion, advertising on bags, advertising on a high-quality paper bag for Opti 08, has thus proven itself for the trade fair organizer - but also for us.

Alone from this trade fair resulted over 50 concrete inquiries for high-quality paper bags...

For us as a young company, a surprising and excellent result.


The Bear is Loose - Here the Bear Dances!

Like the Terracotta Army set up.

But here in one of the many cardboard boxes, ready for the journey into the wide world. Thanks to the joint promotion on the official Opti 08 trade fair bag from the trade fair organizer and bagobag, the crowd at our booth was extremely large.

Many opticians and eyewear manufacturers wanted to see what a sales promotion through the use of paper bags with cord for their own business could look like and what a bag could cost for them. Therefore, over 250 trade fair participants left us their address as a contact at Opti 08 in Munich and requested further information.

As a small thank you for our first conversations, they received our lucky angel teddy bear in the small bag in the days after the trade fair.
